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Returns the list of cards.

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

For a Project access token, this is all the cards of the project and for an User access token, these are the cards owned by the user whom have an account membership.

first: Int! = 50
before: String
after: String
orderBy: CardOrderByInput
filters: CardFiltersInput
): CardConnection!


cards.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (maximum: 100)

cards.before ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the preceding elements

cards.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

cards.orderBy ● CardOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections

cards.filters ● CardFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections


CardConnection object

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)