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interface InternationalBeneficiary {
currency: Currency!
route: InternationalCreditTransferRoute!
details: [InternationalCreditTransferDetails!]!
name: String!


InternationalBeneficiary.currency ● Currency! non-null scalar

Currency of the international beneficiary

InternationalBeneficiary.route ● InternationalCreditTransferRoute! non-null enum

Route that Swan will use to transfer the funds

InternationalBeneficiary.details ● [InternationalCreditTransferDetails!]! non-null object

Currency-specific details of the beneficiary ● String! non-null scalar

name of the beneficiary

Member Of

InternationalCreditTransferTransaction object

Implemented By

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary object ● UnsavedInternationalBeneficiary object