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interface MerchantPayment {
id: ID!
first: Int! = 50
after: String
orderBy: TransactionsOrderByInput
filters: TransactionsFiltersInput
): TransactionConnection
statusInfo: MerchantPaymentStatusInfo!
amount: Amount!
paymentMandate: PaymentMandate!
paymentLink: MerchantPaymentLink
merchantProfile: MerchantProfile!
paymentMethod: MerchantPaymentMethod!
balance: MerchantBalance!
label: String
reference: String
externalReference: String
billingAddress: Address
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
authorizedAt: DateTime
canceledAt: DateTime
capturedAt: DateTime
rejectedAt: DateTime
refundedAt: DateTime
disputedAt: DateTime

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

unique identifier of a merchant payment

MerchantPayment.transactions ● TransactionConnection object

List of transactions associated with the Merchant Payment.

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

MerchantPayment.transactions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (default value 50, maximum: 100)

MerchantPayment.transactions.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

MerchantPayment.transactions.orderBy ● TransactionsOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections (default value UpdatedAt desc)

MerchantPayment.transactions.filters ● TransactionsFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

MerchantPayment.statusInfo ● MerchantPaymentStatusInfo! non-null interface

status information

MerchantPayment.amount ● Amount! non-null object


MerchantPayment.paymentMandate ● PaymentMandate! non-null interface

payment link associated to the merchant payment

payment link associated to the merchant payment

MerchantPayment.merchantProfile ● MerchantProfile! non-null object

merchant profile associated to the merchant payment

MerchantPayment.paymentMethod ● MerchantPaymentMethod! non-null interface

payment method associated to the merchant payment

MerchantPayment.balance ● MerchantBalance! non-null object

MerchantPayment.label ● String scalar


MerchantPayment.reference ● String scalar

MerchantPayment.externalReference ● String scalar

an arbitrary identifier that was defined by you when you created this payment

MerchantPayment.billingAddress ● Address object

The billing address associated to the payment

MerchantPayment.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Created date

MerchantPayment.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Updated date

MerchantPayment.authorizedAt ● DateTime scalar

Authorized date

MerchantPayment.canceledAt ● DateTime scalar

Canceled date

MerchantPayment.capturedAt ● DateTime scalar

Captured date

MerchantPayment.rejectedAt ● DateTime scalar

Rejected date

MerchantPayment.refundedAt ● DateTime scalar

Refunded date

MerchantPayment.disputedAt ● DateTime scalar

Disputed date

Returned By

merchantPayment query

Member Of

MerchantPaymentEdge object

Implemented By

CardMerchantPayment object ● SepaDirectDebitMerchantPayment object