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No description

union AddCardsPayload = AddCardsSuccessPayload | AddingCardsToDifferentAccountsRejection | BadAccountStatusRejection | TooManyItemsRejection | AccountMembershipNotAllowedRejection | CardProductSuspendedRejection | CardProductNotApplicableToPhysicalCardsRejection | CardProductDisabledRejection | EnabledCardDesignNotFoundRejection | MissingMandatoryFieldRejection | ValidationRejection

Possible types

AddCardsPayload.AddCardsSuccessPayload object

AddCardsPayload.AddingCardsToDifferentAccountsRejection object

Rejection returned if the attempting to add cards to different accounts.

AddCardsPayload.BadAccountStatusRejection object

Rejection returned if the status account is not valid

AddCardsPayload.TooManyItemsRejection object

Rejection returned if too many items are given

AddCardsPayload.AccountMembershipNotAllowedRejection object

Rejection returned when the Account Membership is not allowed to use an operation.

AddCardsPayload.CardProductSuspendedRejection object

Rejection returned if the card product is suspended.

AddCardsPayload.CardProductNotApplicableToPhysicalCardsRejection object

Rejection returned if the card product is not applicable to physical card.

AddCardsPayload.CardProductDisabledRejection object

Rejection returned if the card product is disabled.

AddCardsPayload.EnabledCardDesignNotFoundRejection object

Rejection returned if the card product don't have a card design enabled

AddCardsPayload.MissingMandatoryFieldRejection object

Rejection returned when mandatory fields are missing from the call.

AddCardsPayload.ValidationRejection object

Rejection returned if an input contains invalid data

Returned By

addCards mutation