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Request Merchant Profile Payload

union RequestMerchantProfilePayload = RequestMerchantProfileSuccessPayload | ForbiddenRejection | AccountNotFoundRejection | InternalErrorRejection | ValidationRejection

Possible types

RequestMerchantProfilePayload.RequestMerchantProfileSuccessPayload object

Request Merchant Profile Success Payload

RequestMerchantProfilePayload.ForbiddenRejection object

RequestMerchantProfilePayload.AccountNotFoundRejection object

Rejection returned if the account was not found or if the user does not have the rights to know that the card exists

RequestMerchantProfilePayload.InternalErrorRejection object

Rejection returned on unexpected server error

RequestMerchantProfilePayload.ValidationRejection object

Rejection returned if an input contains invalid data

Returned By

requestMerchantProfile mutation