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Union representing all the possible statuses: not supported, not started, pending, valid, invalid, cancelled, expired Each variant contains its relevant data, for example invalid contains a reason field, expired contains an expiredAt field, valid contains a documents field

union IdentificationLevelStatusInfo = NotSupportedIdentificationLevelStatusInfo | NotStartedIdentificationLevelStatusInfo | StartedIdentificationLevelStatusInfo | PendingIdentificationLevelStatusInfo | ValidIdentificationLevelStatusInfo | InvalidIdentificationLevelStatusInfo | CanceledIdentificationLevelStatusInfo | ExpiredIdentificationLevelStatusInfo

Possible types

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.NotSupportedIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

Describes an identification level that's not supported for the process of the current identification

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.NotStartedIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

@deprecated Use 'StartedIdentificationLevelStatusInfo' instead. Deprecated to ensure consistency and clear identification status behavior Describes an identification level that hasn't started for the process of the current identification

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.StartedIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

Describes an identification level that has started for the process of the current identification

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.PendingIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

Describes an identification level that is pending for the process of the current identification, requiring an operation not related to the end-user to progress

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.ValidIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

Describes a valid identification level for the process associated to this identification, and identification documents can be accessed

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.InvalidIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

Describes an invalid identification level for the process associated to this identification, and the invalid reason can be accessed

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.CanceledIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

Describes an identification level for the process associated to this identification that has been cancelled by the end-user

IdentificationLevelStatusInfo.ExpiredIdentificationLevelStatusInfo object

Describes an identification level for the process associated to this identification that has expired and is no longer considered valid

Member Of

IdentificationLevelStatusesInfo object