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Amount with its currency

type Amount {
currency: Currency!
value: AmountValue!


Amount.currency ● Currency! non-null scalar


Amount.value ● AmountValue! non-null scalar

value of the amount

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AccountBalances object ● BasicPhysicalCardInfo object ● CapitalDepositCase object ● CardMerchantPayment object ● CardMerchantPaymentMethod object ● CardTransaction object ● CheckMerchantPaymentMethod object ● CheckTransaction object ● ExternalAccountBalance object ● FeeTransaction object ● FundingLimit object ● FundingLimitAmount object ● InstantFundingLimit object ● InternalCreditTransfer object ● InternalDirectDebitTransaction object ● InternationalCreditTransferCurrencyExchange object ● InternationalCreditTransferQuote object ● InternationalCreditTransferTransaction object ● Invoice object ● MerchantBalance object ● MerchantPayment interface ● MerchantPaymentLink object ● MerchantProfile object ● PhysicalCard object ● RequestMerchantProfileUpdate object ● SEPACreditTransferTransaction object ● SepaDirectDebitB2BMerchantPaymentMethod object ● SepaDirectDebitCoreMerchantPaymentMethod object ● SepaDirectDebitMerchantPayment object ● SEPADirectDebitTransaction object ● Shareholder object ● Spending object ● SpendingLimit object ● StandingOrder object ● Statement object ● Transaction interface