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Rejection returned if the account was not found or if the user does not have the rights to know that the card exists

type AccountNotFoundRejection implements Rejection {
id: String!
message: String!

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

AccountNotFoundRejection.message ● String! non-null scalar


Rejection interface

Implemented By

AddReceivedSepaDirectDebitB2bMandatePayload union ● AddTrustedInternationalBeneficiaryPayload union ● AddTrustedSepaBeneficiariesPayload union ● AddTrustedSepaBeneficiaryPayload union ● AddVirtualIbanEntryPayload union ● AllowSddPayload union ● CancelVirtualIbanEntryPayload union ● CloseAccountPayload union ● DenySddPayload union ● GenerateTransactionSupportingDocumentUploadUrlPayload union ● InitiateCreditTransfersPayload union ● InitiateInternationalCreditTransferResponsePayload union ● RequestMerchantProfilePayload union ● RequestMerchantProfileUpdatePayload union ● UpdateAccountMembershipPayload union ● UpdateAccountPayload union ● UpdateCardPayload union ● UpdateReceivedSepaDirectDebitB2bMandatePayload union