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Input to add a new cards

input AddCardsWithGroupDeliveryInput {
groupDeliveryAddress: CompleteAddressWithContactInput!
cards: [CardConfigWithGroupDeliveryInput!]!
consentRedirectUrl: String!
cardProductId: ID


AddCardsWithGroupDeliveryInput.groupDeliveryAddress ● CompleteAddressWithContactInput! non-null input

Address to deliver the printed physical cards ● [CardConfigWithGroupDeliveryInput!]! non-null input

The configuration of all the cards you want to add

AddCardsWithGroupDeliveryInput.consentRedirectUrl ● String! non-null scalar

URL the user is redirected to after consent has been given

AddCardsWithGroupDeliveryInput.cardProductId ● ID scalar

The id of the card product to use to create the new cards.

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addCardsWithGroupDelivery mutation