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Inputs to onboard a new company account holder

input OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput {
accountName: String
name: String
registrationNumber: String
companyType: CompanyType
businessActivity: BusinessActivity
businessActivityDescription: String
accountCountry: AccountCountry
monthlyPaymentVolume: MonthlyPaymentVolume
individualUltimateBeneficialOwners: [IndividualUltimateBeneficialOwnerInput!]
residencyAddress: ResidencyAddressInput
email: String
language: String
redirectUrl: String
isRegistered: Boolean
oAuthRedirectParameters: OAuthRedirectParametersInput
vatNumber: String
taxIdentificationNumber: String
legalRepresentativePersonalAddress: AddressInformationInput
typeOfRepresentation: TypeOfRepresentation


OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.accountName ● String scalar

Account name of the company account holder.

  • Length must be from 0 to 100 characters ● String scalar

Company name.

  • Length must be from 0 to 100 characters.
  • Valid format (regex):
    /^(?:(?<!http(s)*:\/\/|www\.|&lt;|&gt;)[!-.\/-;A-Z[-`a-zÀ-ÖÙ-öº-ƿDŽ-ʯʹ-ʽΈ-ΊΎ-ΡΣ-ҁҊ-Ֆա-ևႠ-Ⴥა-ჺᄀ-፜፩-ᎏᵫ-ᶚḀ-῾ⴀ-ⴥ⺀-⿕ぁ-ゖゝ-ㇿ㋿-鿯鿿-ꒌꙀ-ꙮꚀ-ꚙꜦ-ꞇꞍ-ꞿꥠ-ꥼA-Za-z/]|¿|¡| |'|-|Ά|Ό|=|\?|@|\[|]|\||‘|’)*$/

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.registrationNumber ● String scalar

Registration number of the company (for example, Système d'Identification du Répertoire des ENtreprises [SIREN] in France, ...).

  • Length must be from 0 to 50 characters.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.companyType ● CompanyType enum

Type of the company (Association ...).

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.businessActivity ● BusinessActivity enum

Business activity.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.businessActivityDescription ● String scalar

Description of the business activity.

  • Length must be from 0 to 1024 characters.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.accountCountry ● AccountCountry enum

Country of the account created at the end of onboarding.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.monthlyPaymentVolume ● MonthlyPaymentVolume enum

Estimated monthly payment volume (euro).

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.individualUltimateBeneficialOwners ● [IndividualUltimateBeneficialOwnerInput!] list input

The ultimate beneficial owner is defined as the natural person (s) who own or control, directly and/or indirectly, the reporting company.

The ultimate beneficial owner is :

  • either the natural person (s) who hold, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the capital or the rights of vote of the reporting company;
  • either the natural person (s) who exercise, by other means, a power of control of the company;

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.residencyAddress ● ResidencyAddressInput input

Residency address of the head office.

  • Must be in a European country. ● String scalar

Email of the legal representative.

  • Length must be from 0 to 255 characters.
  • Valid format (regex):
  • Some email providers are not accepted by our system.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.language ● String scalar

Language of the onboarding process.

  • Accepted languages: ["en", "fr", "nl", "de", "it", "es", "pt", "fi"]

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.redirectUrl ● String scalar

URL used to redirect the user at the end of the onboarding process.

  • If null the user is redirected to the white label web banking.
  • Length must be from 0 to 255 characters

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.isRegistered ● Boolean scalar

Is the company registered with their country's national register (for example, Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés [RCS] in France).

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.oAuthRedirectParameters ● OAuthRedirectParametersInput input

Extra parameters provided by partner.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.vatNumber ● String scalar

VAT number of the company.

  • (AT)?U[0-9]{8} | # Austria
  • (BE)?0[0-9]{9} | # Belgium
  • (BG)?[0-9]{9,10} | # Bulgaria
  • (CY)?[0-9]{8}L | # Cyprus
  • (CZ)?[0-9]{8,10} | # Czech Republic
  • (DE)?[0-9]{9} | # Germany
  • (DK)?[0-9]{8} | # Denmark
  • (EE)?[0-9]{9} | # Estonia
  • (EL|GR)?[0-9]{9} | # Greece
  • (ES)?[0-9A-Z][0-9]{7}[0-9A-Z] | # Spain
  • (FI)?[0-9]{8} | # Finland
  • (FR)?[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9]{9} | # France
  • (GB)?([0-9]{9}([0-9]{3})?|[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{3}) | # United Kingdom
  • (HU)?[0-9]{8} | # Hungary
  • (IE)?[0-9]S[0-9]{5}L | # Ireland
  • (IT)?[0-9]{11} | # Italy
  • (LT)?([0-9]{9}|[0-9]{12}) | # Lithuania
  • (LU)?[0-9]{8} | # Luxembourg
  • (LV)?[0-9]{11} | # Latvia
  • (MT)?[0-9]{8} | # Malta
  • (NL)?[0-9]{9}B[0-9]{2} | # Netherlands
  • (PL)?[0-9]{10} | # Poland
  • (PT)?[0-9]{9} | # Portugal
  • (RO)?[0-9]{2,10} | # Romania
  • (SE)?[0-9]{12} | # Sweden
  • (SI)?[0-9]{8} | # Slovenia
  • (SK)?[0-9]{10} # Slovakia

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.taxIdentificationNumber ● String scalar

Tax Identification Number.

  • Must be from 0 to 16 characters.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.legalRepresentativePersonalAddress ● AddressInformationInput input

Legal representative personal address.

OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput.typeOfRepresentation ● TypeOfRepresentation enum

Type of representation (legal representative or power of attorney).

Member Of

CreateCapitalDepositCaseInput input ● onboardCompanyAccountHolder mutation ● OnboardCompanyShareholderInput input