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Inputs to update an account membership

input UpdateAccountMembershipInput {
accountMembershipId: ID!
email: String
restrictedTo: UpdatedRestrictedToInput
canViewAccount: Boolean
canManageBeneficiaries: Boolean
canInitiatePayments: Boolean
canManageAccountMembership: Boolean
canManageCards: Boolean
spendingLimit: SpendingLimitInput
consentRedirectUrl: String!
residencyAddress: ResidencyAddressInput
language: AccountLanguage
taxIdentificationNumber: String


UpdateAccountMembershipInput.accountMembershipId ● ID! non-null scalar

Unique identifier of an account membership ● String scalar

Email address

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.restrictedTo ● UpdatedRestrictedToInput input

Restricted to a user if necessary

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.canViewAccount ● Boolean scalar

true if this account membership can view account balances and transactions history

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.canManageBeneficiaries ● Boolean scalar

true if this account membership can add or canceled beneficiaries

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.canInitiatePayments ● Boolean scalar

true if this account membership can initiate credit transfers

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.canManageAccountMembership ● Boolean scalar

true if this account membership can invite, update, suspend or resume memberships

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.canManageCards ● Boolean scalar

true if this account membership can manage cards for himself or to the memberships he manages

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.spendingLimit ● SpendingLimitInput input

Periodic Spending limit

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.consentRedirectUrl ● String! non-null scalar

URL the user is redirected to after consent has been given

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.residencyAddress ● ResidencyAddressInput input

Residency address of the member to be added

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.language ● AccountLanguage enum

Language of the account membership

UpdateAccountMembershipInput.taxIdentificationNumber ● String scalar

Tax Identification Number of the user added

Member Of

updateAccountMembership mutation