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input ScheduleStandingOrderInput {
amount: AmountInput
targetAvailableBalance: AmountInput
period: StandingOrderPeriod!
firstExecutionDate: DateTime
lastExecutionDate: DateTime
sepaBeneficiary: SepaBeneficiaryInput
accountId: String!
consentRedirectUrl: String!
reference: String
label: String
creditTransferMode: CreditTransferMode


ScheduleStandingOrderInput.amount ● AmountInput input

Fix Amount that will be periodically transferred the value must be empty when targetAvailableBalance is defined

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.targetAvailableBalance ● AmountInput input

Target available balance that will be used for periodically clipping the account the value must be empty when amount is defined

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.period ● StandingOrderPeriod! non-null enum

Scheduled period of Standing Order

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.firstExecutionDate ● DateTime scalar

Earlier date the Standing Order will be executed

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.lastExecutionDate ● DateTime scalar

Latest date the Standing Order will be executed

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.sepaBeneficiary ● SepaBeneficiaryInput input

SEPA beneficiary of the Standing ORder

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.accountId ● String! non-null scalar

Account the Standing Order will be attached to

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.consentRedirectUrl ● String! non-null scalar

URL the user is redirected to after consent has been given

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.reference ● String scalar

reference assigned by the initiating party, to unambiguously identify the transaction. This reference is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain. (regex [A-Za-z0-9(\-)(\_)(\?)(\.)(\+),' ]{1,35})

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.label ● String scalar

label (max 140 characters)

ScheduleStandingOrderInput.creditTransferMode ● CreditTransferMode enum

Transfer mode of the Standing Order

Member Of

scheduleStandingOrder mutation