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Filters that can be applied when listing merchant payment links

input MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput {
amountGreaterThan: AmountValue
amountSmallerThan: AmountValue
isAfterCreatedAt: DateTime
isBeforeCreatedAt: DateTime
status: [MerchantPaymentLinkStatus!]
search: String


MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.amountGreaterThan ● AmountValue scalar

Filter by amount (amount is greater than a given amount)

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.amountSmallerThan ● AmountValue scalar

Filter by amount (amount is less than a given amount)

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.isAfterCreatedAt ● DateTime scalar

Filter by createdAt (created after a given date)

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.isBeforeCreatedAt ● DateTime scalar

Filter by createdAt (created before a given date)

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.status ● [MerchantPaymentLinkStatus!] list enum

Filter by status ● String scalar

Search string to look for

Search will be performed in following fields:

  • Label
  • Reference
  • Amount