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Input to update a Merchant Profile

input RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput {
accentColor: String
customerRegion: MerchantProfileCustomerRegion
expectedAverageBasket: AmountInput
expectedMonthlyPaymentVolume: AmountInput
invoiceExample: String
merchantLogo: String
merchantName: String
merchantProfileId: ID!
merchantWebsite: String
paymentFrequency: MerchantProfilePaymentFrequency
productType: ProductType
socialNetwork: String
supportWebsite: String
termsAndConditions: String


RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.accentColor ● String scalar

Your accent color, used in white label interfaces. This color would also be inherited in the Swan Merchant Payment page. Unlike the other fields in this mutation, the value specified here updates the merchant profile's accent color immediately.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.customerRegion ● MerchantProfileCustomerRegion enum

Where the payer are generally based. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.expectedAverageBasket ● AmountInput input

expected average basket value. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.expectedMonthlyPaymentVolume ● AmountInput input

Expected annual activity volumes for all payment methods. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.invoiceExample ● String scalar

A PDF of an example typical invoice issued by the merchant. Use '' to delete the field. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.merchantLogo ● String scalar

base64 encoded merchant's logo. Use '' to delete the field. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.merchantName ● String scalar

Business name of the merchant, i.e. name that will be displayed on debtors' bank statements. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.merchantProfileId ● ID! non-null scalar

ID of the MerchantProfile to update

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.merchantWebsite ● String scalar

Url of the merchant's website. Use '' to delete the field. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.paymentFrequency ● MerchantProfilePaymentFrequency enum

The type of payments accepted by the merchant. Can be OneOff (no returning payers in general), Recurrent (returning payers), or a mix of both OneOffAndRecurrent. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.productType ● ProductType enum

Type of product sold. Gifts and donations can be club subscription or collection of donations (for associations), tips collection, contributions for local authorities. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.socialNetwork ● String scalar

The URL of the main social network of the merchant. Use '' to delete the field. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.supportWebsite ● String scalar

The URL of the support website or help center of the merchant. Use '' to delete the field. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput.termsAndConditions ● String scalar

The URL of the terms and conditions of the merchant. Use '' to delete the field. Don't add the field to the mutation if you want to keep the existing value.

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requestMerchantProfileUpdate mutation