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input MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput {
status: [MerchantPaymentLinkStatus!]
isAfterCreatedAt: DateTime
isBeforeCreatedAt: DateTime
search: String
amountSmallerThan: AmountValue
amountGreaterThan: AmountValue


MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.status ● [MerchantPaymentLinkStatus!] list enum

To filter on some Merchant Payment Link Status (all if empty)

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.isAfterCreatedAt ● DateTime scalar

To filter after a createdAt value

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.isBeforeCreatedAt ● DateTime scalar

To filter before a createdAt value ● String scalar

To filter on some text occurrences (words or ids)

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.amountSmallerThan ● AmountValue scalar

To filter payment links having an amount smaller than the given criteria

MerchantPaymentLinkFiltersInput.amountGreaterThan ● AmountValue scalar

To filter payment links having an amount greater than the given criteria