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The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

scalar Boolean

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Account object ● AccountMembership object ● AccountMembershipBindingUserErrorStatusInfo object ● AccountMembershipsFilterInput input ● AddAccountMembershipInput input ● AddCardInput input ● AddSingleUseVirtualCardInput input ● BasicPhysicalCardInfo object ● Card object ● CardConfigInput input ● CardConfigWithGroupDeliveryInput input ● CardPaymentMethodInput input ● CardProduct object ● CardSettings object ● CardTransaction object ● CheckPaymentMethodInput input ● CheckTransaction object ● CompleteUserCreationSuccessPayload object ● Consent object ● DateField object ● EnrichedTransactionInfo object ● FeeTransaction object ● Field interface ● IdentificationLevels object ● include directive ● IndividualUltimateBeneficialOwnerInput input ● IndividualUltimateBeneficialOwnerTypeHasCapital object ● InitiateFundingRequestInput input ● InternalBeneficiary object ● InternalCreditTransfer object ● InternalDirectDebitB2BPaymentMethodInput input ● InternalDirectDebitStandardPaymentMethodInput input ● InternalDirectDebitTransaction object ● InternationalBeneficiaryInput input ● InternationalCreditTransferTransaction object ● MembershipInfoInput input ● MembershipsFilterInput input ● OnboardCompanyAccountHolderInput input ● OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo object ● PageInfo object ● PhysicalCardConfigInput input ● PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo object ● PhysicalCardToActivateStatusInfo object ● PreProvisioningSUVCardSettings object ● PrintPhysicalCardInput input ● ProjectInfo object ● RadioField object ● Reachability object ● RejectedTransactionStatusInfo object ● RemoveWebhookSubscriptionSuccessPayload object ● SelectField object ● SEPABeneficiary object ● SepaBeneficiaryInput input ● SEPACreditTransferTransaction object ● SepaDirectDebitB2BMerchantPaymentMethod object ● SepaDirectDebitB2BPaymentMethodInput input ● SepaDirectDebitCoreMerchantPaymentMethod object ● SepaDirectDebitCorePaymentMethodInput input ● SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodInput input ● SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodUpdateRequest object ● SEPADirectDebitTransaction object ● skip directive ● SwanAccountBeneficiaryInput input ● TextField object ● ThreeDS object ● Transaction interface ● TransactionsFiltersInput input ● UpdateAccountMembershipInput input ● UpdateCardInput input ● UpdateCompanyOnboardingInput input ● User object ● VirtualIBANEntry object ● WebBankingSettings object