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Whether you call it a wallet, monetary account, payment account or bank account, the notion of account is fundamental at Swan. All payment flows necessarily go through an account.

type Account {
id: ID!
number: AccountNumber!
name: String!
holder: AccountHolder!
cashAccountType: CashAccountType!
country: AccountCountry!
paymentLevel: PaymentLevel!
currency: Currency!
blockSDD: Boolean
statusInfo: AccountStatusInfo!
partnershipStatusInfo: PartnershipStatusInfo
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
first: Int! = 50
before: String
after: String
filters: VirtualIbanEntriesFilterInput
): VirtualIBANEntryConnection!
first: Int! = 50
before: String
after: String
filters: MembershipsFilterInput
orderBy: AccountMembershipOrderByInput
): AccountMembershipConnection!
requiredConsentToFetchNewTransactions: Boolean!
language: AccountLanguage!
legalRepresentativeMembership: AccountMembership!
paymentAccountType: PaymentAccountType!
upgradedAt: DateTime
bankDetails: String
first: Int! = 50
after: String
filters: LegalDocumentsFilterInput
): LegalDocumentConnection
balances: AccountBalances
first: Int! = 50
after: String
filters: StatementFiltersInput
): StatementConnection
first: Int! = 50
after: String
orderBy: TransactionsOrderByInput
filters: TransactionsFiltersInput
): TransactionConnection
first: Int! = 10
after: String
): InvoiceConnection
first: Int! = 50
after: String
orderBy: AccountReceivedDirectDebitOrderByInput
filters: AccountReceivedDirectDebitMandateFiltersInput
): ReceivedDirectDebitMandateConnection
first: Int! = 50
after: String
orderBy: MerchantProfileOrderByInput
filters: MerchantProfileFiltersInput
): MerchantProfileConnection
first: Int! = 50
after: String
offset: Int
orderBy: AccountStandingOrderOrderByInput
filters: AccountStandingOrderFiltersInput
): StandingOrderConnection!
first: Int! = 50
after: String
offset: Int
orderBy: FundingSourceOrderByInput
filters: FundingSourceFiltersInput
): FundingSourceConnection
first: Int! = 50
after: String
offset: Int
orderBy: TrustedBeneficiaryOrderByInput
filters: TrustedBeneficiaryFiltersInput
): TrustedBeneficiaryConnection!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Unique identifier of an account

Account.number ● AccountNumber! non-null scalar

Unique account number ● String! non-null scalar

Account name

Account.holder ● AccountHolder! non-null object

Account holder

Account.cashAccountType ● CashAccountType! non-null enum

Cash account type ● AccountCountry! non-null enum

Country of the account

Account.paymentLevel ● PaymentLevel! non-null enum

Payment level

Account.BIC ● BIC! non-null scalar

Bank Identifier Code Only if the account membership has canViewAccount=true & this account has paymentLevel=Unlimited

Account.IBAN ● IBAN scalar

International Bank Account Number Only if the account membership has canViewAccount=true & this account has paymentLevel=Unlimited

Account.currency ● Currency! non-null scalar


Account.blockSDD ● Boolean scalar

true if the main IBAN refuses all Sepa Direct Debit received

Account.statusInfo ● AccountStatusInfo! non-null interface

Status of the account

Account.partnershipStatusInfo ● PartnershipStatusInfo interface

Partnership status

Account.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Created date

Account.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Updated date

Account.virtualIbanEntries ● VirtualIBANEntryConnection! non-null object

List of Virtual IBAN

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.virtualIbanEntries.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (maximum: 100)

Account.virtualIbanEntries.before ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the preceding elements

Account.virtualIbanEntries.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.virtualIbanEntries.filters ● VirtualIbanEntriesFilterInput input

filters that can be applied when listing virtual iban entries

Account.memberships ● AccountMembershipConnection! non-null object

List of account membership for this account

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.memberships.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (maximum: 100)

Account.memberships.before ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the preceding elements

Account.memberships.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.memberships.filters ● MembershipsFilterInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.memberships.orderBy ● AccountMembershipOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections

Account.requiredConsentToFetchNewTransactions ● Boolean! non-null scalar

trueif a consent is required to fetch new transactions

Account.language ● AccountLanguage! non-null enum

Language used for account statements

Account.legalRepresentativeMembership ● AccountMembership! non-null object

Legal representative account membership

Account.paymentAccountType ● PaymentAccountType! non-null enum

Type of the account : EMoney if account holder has not finished the KYC requirements, PaymentService otherwise

Account.upgradedAt ● DateTime scalar

Date of the account going from eMoney to PaymentService

Account.bankDetails ● String scalar

Download link to the main account iban's bank details

Account.legalDocuments ● LegalDocumentConnection object

Legal Documents linked to the account

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.legalDocuments.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (maximum: 100)

Account.legalDocuments.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.legalDocuments.filters ● LegalDocumentsFilterInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.balances ● AccountBalances object

A list of balances regarding an account.

Account.statements ● StatementConnection object

List of statements of an account.

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More) For a Project access token, this is all the transactions of the project (only available with project access token)

Account.statements.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (default value 50, maximum: 100)

Account.statements.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.statements.filters ● StatementFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.transactions ● TransactionConnection object

A list of transactions of an account.

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.transactions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (default value 50, maximum: 100)

Account.transactions.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.transactions.orderBy ● TransactionsOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections (default value UpdatedAt desc)

Account.transactions.filters ● TransactionsFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.invoices ● InvoiceConnection object

A list of invoices of an account. The list is ordered by creation date (from newest to oldest)

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.invoices.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (maximum: 100)

Account.invoices.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.receivedDirectDebitMandates ● ReceivedDirectDebitMandateConnection object

A list of receive Direct Mandates of an account.

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.receivedDirectDebitMandates.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (default value 50, maximum: 100)

Account.receivedDirectDebitMandates.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.receivedDirectDebitMandates.orderBy ● AccountReceivedDirectDebitOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections (default value updatedAt desc)

Account.receivedDirectDebitMandates.filters ● AccountReceivedDirectDebitMandateFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.merchantProfiles ● MerchantProfileConnection object

List of merchant profiles created on the account

Account.merchantProfiles.first ● Int! non-null scalar

number of elements in the list (default value 50)

Account.merchantProfiles.after ● String scalar

When the list of elements needs to start after a element

Account.merchantProfiles.orderBy ● MerchantProfileOrderByInput input

When the list of elements needs to be ordered

Account.merchantProfiles.filters ● MerchantProfileFiltersInput input

When the list of elements needs to be filtered

Account.standingOrders ● StandingOrderConnection! non-null object

A list of standing orders regarding an account.

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.standingOrders.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (default value 50, maximum: 100)

Account.standingOrders.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.standingOrders.offset ● Int scalar

an offset to start at

Account.standingOrders.orderBy ● AccountStandingOrderOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections (default value UpdatedAt desc)

Account.standingOrders.filters ● AccountStandingOrderFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.fundingSources ● FundingSourceConnection object

List of funding source created on the account

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.fundingSources.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (default value 50, maximum: 100)

Account.fundingSources.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.fundingSources.offset ● Int scalar

an offset to start at

Account.fundingSources.orderBy ● FundingSourceOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections (default value UpdatedAt desc)

Account.fundingSources.filters ● FundingSourceFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.trustedBeneficiaries ● TrustedBeneficiaryConnection! non-null object

List of trusted beneficiaries of an account.

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

Account.trustedBeneficiaries.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (default value 50, maximum: 100)

Account.trustedBeneficiaries.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

Account.trustedBeneficiaries.offset ● Int scalar

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Account.trustedBeneficiaries.orderBy ● TrustedBeneficiaryOrderByInput input

an order you can apply to your list of connections (default value label asc)

Account.trustedBeneficiaries.filters ● TrustedBeneficiaryFiltersInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

Returned By

account query

Member Of

AccountAndCard object ● AccountEdge object ● AccountMembership object ● AllowSddSuccessPayload object ● Balance object ● CardTransaction object ● CheckTransaction object ● DenySddSuccessPayload object ● FeeTransaction object ● InternalCreditTransfer object ● InternalDirectDebitTransaction object ● InternalReceivedDirectDebitMandate object ● InternationalCreditTransferTransaction object ● Onboarding object ● SEPACreditTransferTransaction object ● SEPADirectDebitTransaction object ● SEPAReceivedDirectDebitMandate object ● StandingOrder object ● Statement object ● Transaction interface ● TransactionStatement object ● UpdateAccountSuccessPayload object