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Company Account Holder Information

type OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo implements OnboardingAccountHolderInfo {
type: AccountHolderType!
name: String
registrationNumber: String
companyType: CompanyType
businessActivity: BusinessActivity
businessActivityDescription: String
monthlyPaymentVolume: MonthlyPaymentVolume
individualUltimateBeneficialOwners: [IndividualUltimateBeneficialOwner!]
residencyAddress: AddressInfo
isRegistered: Boolean
vatNumber: String
taxIdentificationNumber: String
legalRepresentativePersonalAddress: AddressInformation
typeOfRepresentation: TypeOfRepresentation


OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.type ● AccountHolderType! non-null enum

Account holder type (always Company for type OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo) ● String scalar

Name of the company.

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.registrationNumber ● String scalar

Registration number of the company (for example, Système d'Identification du Répertoire des ENtreprises [SIREN] in France, ...).

  • Length must be from 0 to 50 characters.

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.companyType ● CompanyType enum

legal form of the company (SAS, SCI, SASU, ...)

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.businessActivity ● BusinessActivity enum

business activity

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.businessActivityDescription ● String scalar

business activity description This must be 1024 characters long maximum.

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.monthlyPaymentVolume ● MonthlyPaymentVolume enum

estimated monthly payment volume (euro)

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.individualUltimateBeneficialOwners ● [IndividualUltimateBeneficialOwner!] list object

The ultimate beneficiary is defined as the natural person (s) who own or control, directly or indirectly, the reporting company.

The ultimate beneficiary is :

  • either the natural person (s) who hold, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the capital or the rights of vote of the reporting company;
  • either the natural person (s) who exercise, by other means, a power of control of the company;

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.residencyAddress ● AddressInfo object

residency address of the head office (Must be in a European country)

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.isRegistered ● Boolean scalar

Is company registered at RCS in its country

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.vatNumber ● String scalar

Unique number that identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity that is registered for VAT

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.taxIdentificationNumber ● String scalar

Tax Identification Number

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.legalRepresentativePersonalAddress ● AddressInformation object

Legal representative personal address

OnboardingCompanyAccountHolderInfo.typeOfRepresentation ● TypeOfRepresentation enum

Type of representation (legal representative or power of attorney)


OnboardingAccountHolderInfo interface

The onboarding could be for an Individual or a company