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Check transaction

type CheckTransaction implements Transaction {
id: ID!
reference: String!
paymentMethodIdentifier: String!
cmc7: String!
rlmcKey: String!
side: TransactionSide!
type: TransactionTypeEnum!
amount: Amount!
label: String!
statusInfo: TransactionStatusInfo!
paymentId: String
payment: Payment
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
counterparty: String!
bookedBalanceAfter: Amount
paymentProduct: PaymentProduct!
account: Account
externalReference: String
executionDate: DateTime!
requestedExecutionAt: DateTime
originTransactionId: String
originTransaction: Transaction
reservedAmount: Amount
reservedAmountReleasedAt: DateTime
returnReason: TransactionReasonCode
statementCanBeGenerated: Boolean
projectId: ID!
merchant: MerchantProfile
first: Int! = 50
before: String
after: String
filters: SupportingDocumentCollectionFilterInput
): SupportingDocumentCollectionConnection!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

unique identifier of the transaction

CheckTransaction.reference ● String! non-null scalar

reference assigned by the initiating party, to unambiguously identify the transaction. This reference is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.

CheckTransaction.paymentMethodIdentifier ● String! non-null scalar

payment method identifier used for this transaction: check number

CheckTransaction.cmc7 ● String! non-null scalar

31-caracter unique identifier located at the bottom of the check. CMC7 is composed of 3 sections (check number (7 char.), check issuing bank code (12 char.), check holder account number (12 char.)). Combined with RLMC key, it allows the check traceability.

CheckTransaction.rlmcKey ● String! non-null scalar

2-digit key used to check the integrity of the CMC7 line, located at the bottom right of the check. Combined with CMC7 line, it allows the check traceability.

CheckTransaction.side ● TransactionSide! non-null enum

side (Credit or Debit)

CheckTransaction.type ● TransactionTypeEnum! non-null enum


CheckTransaction.amount ● Amount! non-null object


CheckTransaction.label ● String! non-null scalar


CheckTransaction.statusInfo ● TransactionStatusInfo! non-null interface

status information

CheckTransaction.paymentId ● String scalar

ID of the payment associated to this transaction

CheckTransaction.payment ● Payment object

payment associated to this transaction

CheckTransaction.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

created date

CheckTransaction.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

updated date

CheckTransaction.counterparty ● String! non-null scalar

name of the counterparty. e.g Merchant name, Creditor name, Beneficiary Name ...

CheckTransaction.bookedBalanceAfter ● Amount object

booked balance after this transaction

CheckTransaction.paymentProduct ● PaymentProduct! non-null enum

payment product used for this transaction

CheckTransaction.account ● Account object

matching account for the transaction

CheckTransaction.externalReference ● String scalar

an arbitrary identifier that was defined by you when you created this transaction.

For example, you can define it in the CreditTransferInput mutation.

CheckTransaction.executionDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar

a date that reflects the execution date of a transaction from a user viewpoint. Can be used for sorting transactions.

CheckTransaction.requestedExecutionAt ● DateTime scalar

a date that reflects the time at which the user asked the transaction to be executed

CheckTransaction.originTransactionId ● String scalar

ID of the origin transaction associated to this transaction

CheckTransaction.originTransaction ● Transaction interface

origin transaction associated to this transaction

CheckTransaction.reservedAmount ● Amount object

reserved amount of the transaction computed with the rolling reserve.

CheckTransaction.reservedAmountReleasedAt ● DateTime scalar

date on which reserved funds become available

CheckTransaction.returnReason ● TransactionReasonCode enum

return reason

CheckTransaction.statementCanBeGenerated ● Boolean scalar

true if a transaction statement can be generated for this transaction

CheckTransaction.projectId ● ID! non-null scalar

project id of the transaction

CheckTransaction.merchant ● MerchantProfile object

merchant profile associated

CheckTransaction.supportingDocumentCollections ● SupportingDocumentCollectionConnection! non-null object

CheckTransaction.supportingDocumentCollections.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (maximum: 100)

CheckTransaction.supportingDocumentCollections.before ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the preceding elements

CheckTransaction.supportingDocumentCollections.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

CheckTransaction.supportingDocumentCollections.filters ● SupportingDocumentCollectionFilterInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections


Transaction interface
