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type CardOutMerchant {
merchantId: String!
merchantName: String!
merchantCity: String!
merchantCountry: CCA3
merchantPostalCode: String
merchantCategoryCode: String!
merchantCategoryDescription: MerchantCategoryDescription!
merchantAcquirerId: String
subMerchantId: String
category: Category!


CardOutMerchant.merchantId ● String! non-null scalar

unique identifier of the merchant

CardOutMerchant.merchantName ● String! non-null scalar

merchant name

CardOutMerchant.merchantCity ● String! non-null scalar

merchant city

CardOutMerchant.merchantCountry ● CCA3 scalar

merchant country

CardOutMerchant.merchantPostalCode ● String scalar

merchant postal code

CardOutMerchant.merchantCategoryCode ● String! non-null scalar

merchant category code (MCC)

CardOutMerchant.merchantCategoryDescription ● MerchantCategoryDescription! non-null enum

merchant category description Enum that explains what the MCC corresponds to in a more readable way

CardOutMerchant.merchantAcquirerId ● String scalar

merchant acquirer id

CardOutMerchant.subMerchantId ● String scalar

sub merchant id

CardOutMerchant.category ● Category! non-null enum

category of the payment flow

Implemented By

CardMerchant union