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The User is the unique user, natural person, of the Swan app.

type User {
id: ID!
first: Int! = 50
before: String
after: String
filters: AccountMembershipsFilterInput
): AccountMembershipConnection!
mobilePhoneNumber: PhoneNumber
firstName: String
lastName: String
birthLastName: String
allFirstNames: [String!]
fullName: String
birthDate: Date
nationalityCCA3: CCA3
birthCity: String
birthCountry: CCA3
authenticators: [Authenticator!]
identificationLevels: IdentificationLevels
preferredNotificationChannel: PreferredNotificationChannel
status: UserStatus
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
preferredLastName: String
joinedAt: DateTime!
emailAddresses: [String!]! @deprecated
verifiedEmails: [String!]!
first: Int! = 50
after: String
filters: IdentificationFiltersInput
orderBy: IdentificationsOrderByInput
): IdentificationConnection

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

unique identifier of the user

User.accountMemberships ● AccountMembershipConnection! non-null object

The list of account memberships

Implements the Relay Connection interface, used to paginate list of element (Learn More)

User.accountMemberships.first ● Int! non-null scalar

the number of elements to load (maximum: 100)

User.accountMemberships.before ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the preceding elements

User.accountMemberships.after ● String scalar

the index (a unique reference in string form) from which you will load the following elements

User.accountMemberships.filters ● AccountMembershipsFilterInput input

a filtering table you can apply to your list of connections

User.mobilePhoneNumber ● PhoneNumber scalar

mobile phone number with the international format (Example: +33689788967)

User.firstName ● String scalar

first name

User.lastName ● String scalar

last name

User.birthLastName ● String scalar

Birth last name

User.allFirstNames ● [String!] list scalar

list of first names

User.fullName ● String scalar

full name : concatenation of firstName + [ birthLastName | lastName ] depending on preferredLastName setting

User.birthDate ● Date scalar

birth date

User.nationalityCCA3 ● CCA3 scalar


User.birthCity ● String scalar

birth city

User.birthCountry ● CCA3 scalar

birth country

User.authenticators ● [Authenticator!] list object

the methods used to authenticate this user

User.identificationLevels ● IdentificationLevels object

List of identification levels available for the user.

Whenever TRUE, it means the identification was successful for the associated level.

User.preferredNotificationChannel ● PreferredNotificationChannel enum

Preferred notification channel

When it is "null" it means that the preferences have not been updated. Default SMS in use

User.status ● UserStatus enum

Status of the user

User.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Creation date of the user

User.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Last update date of the user

User.preferredLastName ● String scalar

The last name that the user prefers to use

User.joinedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Date on which the user joined the project. Joining the project is done after the first accepted OAuth login.

User.emailAddresses ● [String!]! deprecated non-null scalar


Use verifiedEmails field instead

@deprecated Use verifiedEmails field instead

User.verifiedEmails ● [String!]! non-null scalar

Returns the verified emails

User.identifications ● IdentificationConnection object

User.identifications.first ● Int! non-null scalar

Maximum number of elements in the list (default value 50)

User.identifications.after ● String scalar

When the list of elements needs to start after an element

User.identifications.filters ● IdentificationFiltersInput input

When the list of identifications needs to be filtered

User.identifications.orderBy ● IdentificationsOrderByInput input

When the list of identifications needs to be ordered, by default the list will be ordered by the latest identification (valid or not)

Returned By

user query

Member Of

AccountHolderIndividualInfo object ● AccountMembership object ● CompleteUserCreationSuccessPayload object ● Consent object ● DeactivateUserSuccess object ● StandingOrder object ● UserEdge object