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A WebhookEvent Log for webhooks service. It describes the response and call context for webhook endpoints for a specific event.

type WebhookEventLog {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
eventId: ID!
eventDate: DateTime!
eventType: String!
resourceId: ID!
duration: Int!
requestPayload: String!
responsePayload: String
statusCode: Int
statusText: StatusText
webhookSubscription: WebhookSubscription
retryCount: Int
webhookSubscriptionLabel: String
webhookSubscriptionEndpoint: String

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

Unique identifier of the EventLog

WebhookEventLog.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Date the EventLog has been created

WebhookEventLog.eventId ● ID! non-null scalar

Unique identifier of the event that triggered this eventLog

WebhookEventLog.eventDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Date the Event has been generated

WebhookEventLog.eventType ● String! non-null scalar

The type of the triggering event

WebhookEventLog.resourceId ● ID! non-null scalar

Unique identifier linked of the resource carried by the Event

WebhookEventLog.duration ● Int! non-null scalar

Duration of the callback in MS

WebhookEventLog.requestPayload ● String! non-null scalar

Request payload send to callback in string format, jsonable.

WebhookEventLog.responsePayload ● String scalar

Response payload get by the callback in string format, jsonable.

WebhookEventLog.statusCode ● Int scalar

The callback response status in number format.

WebhookEventLog.statusText ● StatusText enum

The callback response status in text format.

WebhookEventLog.webhookSubscription ● WebhookSubscription object

The webhook that triggered the event.

WebhookEventLog.retryCount ● Int scalar

Rank of this retry

WebhookEventLog.webhookSubscriptionLabel ● String scalar

Label of the associated subscription (inherited) This holds the label value of when the log was created, whereas webhookSubscription.label holds the current value of the label (it may have changed).

WebhookEventLog.webhookSubscriptionEndpoint ● String scalar

Endpoint of the associated subscription (inherited) This holds the endpoint value of when the log was created, whereas webhookSubscription.endpoint holds the current value of the endpoint (it may have changed).

Returned By

webhookEventLog query

Member Of

WebhookEventLogsEdge object