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The document corresponding to a passport

type PassportDocument {
id: String!
type: DocumentType!
issueDate: Date
expiryDate: Date
mrz: String
number: String
files: [PassportDocumentFile!]!

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

Unique identifier of the passport document

PassportDocument.type ● DocumentType! non-null enum

The type of the document

PassportDocument.issueDate ● Date scalar

The date at which the passport was issued

PassportDocument.expiryDate ● Date scalar

The date at which the passport expires

PassportDocument.mrz ● String scalar

Machine-readable zone code of the passport

PassportDocument.number ● String scalar

Number of the passport

PassportDocument.files ● [PassportDocumentFile!]! non-null object

List of the associated files

Implemented By

IdentificationDocument union