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Request Update Merchant Profile

type RequestMerchantProfileUpdate {
id: ID!
merchantProfileId: ID!
merchantName: String!
merchantWebsite: String
merchantLogoUrl: String
status: RequestMerchantProfileUpdateStatus!
productType: ProductType!
expectedMonthlyPaymentVolume: Amount!
expectedAverageBasket: Amount!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

The Request ID

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.merchantProfileId ● ID! non-null scalar

The Merchant Profile ID to update

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.merchantName ● String! non-null scalar

Business name of the merchant, i.e. name that will be displayed on debtors' bank statements

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.merchantWebsite ● String scalar

Url of the merchant's website

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.merchantLogoUrl ● String scalar

Url of the merchant's logo

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.status ● RequestMerchantProfileUpdateStatus! non-null enum

The status of the request

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.productType ● ProductType! non-null enum

Type of product sold. List of value: Goods, Services, VirtualGoods, GiftsAndDonations. Gifts and donations can be club subscription or collection of donations (for associations), tips collection, contributions for local authorities

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.expectedMonthlyPaymentVolume ● Amount! non-null object

Expected annual activity volumes for all payment method

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.expectedAverageBasket ● Amount! non-null object

expected average basket value.

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

created date

RequestMerchantProfileUpdate.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

updated date

Member Of

MerchantProfile object ● RequestMerchantProfileUpdateSuccessPayload object