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The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

scalar ID

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Account object ● account query ● AccountHolder object ● accountHolder query ● accountInvoice query ● AccountMembership object ● accountMembership query ● accountStatement query ● AccountVerification interface ● AddAccountMembershipInput input ● AddAccountMembershipsInput input ● AddCardInput input ● AddCardsInput input ● AddCardsWithGroupDeliveryInput input ● AddDigitalCardInput input ● AddDirectDebitFundingSourceInput input ● AddExternalAccountBalanceInput input ● AddExternalAccountInput input ● AddFundingLimitSettingsChangeRequestInput input ● AddInternalDirectDebitPaymentMandateInput input ● AddMerchantProfileInput input ● AddOrUpdateExternalAccountBalanceInput input ● AddReceivedInternalDirectDebitB2bMandateInput input ● AddSepaDirectDebitPaymentMandateInput input ● AddSingleUseVirtualCardInput input ● AddSingleUseVirtualCardsInput input ● AddTrustedInternationalBeneficiaryInput input ● AddTrustedSepaBeneficiaryInput input ● AddVirtualIbanInput input ● AddWebhookSubscriptionInput input ● AllowSddInput input ● AllowSddVirtualIbanEntryInput input ● BindAccountMembershipInput input ● CancelCardInput input ● CancelConsentInput input ● CancelDigitalCardInput input ● CancelFundingSourceInput input ● CancelPhysicalCardInput input ● CancelTransactionInput input ● CancelVirtualIbanEntryInput input ● capitalDepositCase query ● capitalDepositDocument query ● Card object ● card query ● CardConfigInput input ● CardConfigWithGroupDeliveryInput input ● CardDesignBackground object ● CardMerchantPaymentMethod object ● CardProduct object ● cardProductById query ● CardProductDesign object ● CardSettings object ● CardSettingsBackground object ● CardTransaction object ● CheckMerchantPaymentMethod object ● CheckTransaction object ● CloseAccountInput input ● CompleteDigitalCard object ● ConfirmPhysicalCardRenewalInput input ● Consent object ● consent query ● CreateMerchantPaymentLinkInput input ● CreditTransferInput input ● DeactivateUserInput input ● DeleteSupportingDocumentInput input ● DenySddInput input ● DenySddVirtualIbanEntryInput input ● DigitalCard interface ● DirectDebitAccountVerification object ● DirectDebitFundingSource object ● DisableAccountMembershipInput input ● EnableReceivedDirectDebitMandateInput input ● ExternalAccount object ● ExternalAccountBalance object ● FeeTransaction object ● FinancialInstitution object ● FundingLimitSettingsChangeRequest object ● fundingLimitSettingsChangeRequest query ● FundingSource interface ● fundingSource query ● GenerateAccountStatementInput input ● GenerateCapitalDepositDocumentUploadUrlInput input ● GenerateSupportingDocumentUploadUrlInput input ● GrantConsentWithServerSignatureInput input ● InitiateCheckMerchantPaymentInput input ● InitiateCreditTransfersInput input ● InitiateFundingRequestInput input ● InitiateInternationalCreditTransferInput input ● InternalBeneficiary object ● InternalCreditTransfer object ● InternalDirectDebitB2BMerchantPaymentMethod object ● InternalDirectDebitCreditor object ● InternalDirectDebitDebtor object ● InternalDirectDebitMandate interface ● InternalDirectDebitPaymentCollectionInput input ● InternalDirectDebitStandardMerchantPaymentMethod object ● InternalDirectDebitTransaction object ● InternalPaymentDirectDebitMandate object ● InternalPaymentMandateCreditor object ● InternalPaymentMandateDebtor object ● InternalReceivedDirectDebitMandate object ● InternationalCreditTransferInCreditor object ● internationalCreditTransferQuote query ● InternationalCreditTransferTransaction object ● Invoice object ● LegalDocument object ● MerchantPaymentLink object ● MerchantPaymentMethod interface ● MerchantProfile object ● merchantProfile query ● NestedWebhookEventLogFiltersInput input ● onboarding query ● Payment object ● payment query ● PaymentDirectDebitMandate interface ● PaymentMandate interface ● PaymentMandateCreditor interface ● PendingDigitalCard object ● PreProvisioningSUVCardSettings object ● PrintPhysicalCardInput input ● ProbeWebhookEndpointSuccessPayload object ● ProjectCardDesigns object ● ProjectCardSettings object ● ProjectInfo object ● ReceivedDirectDebitMandate interface ● receivedDirectDebitMandate query ● ReplayWebhookEventInput input ● ReplayWebhookEventSuccessPayload object ● RequestMerchantPaymentMethodsInput input ● RequestMerchantPaymentMethodsUpdateInput input ● RequestMerchantProfileUpdate object ● RequestMerchantProfileUpdateInput input ● RequestSupportingDocumentCollectionReviewInput input ● ResumeAccountMembershipInput input ● ResumePhysicalCardInput input ● SEPABeneficiary object ● SEPACreditTransferInCreditor object ● SEPACreditTransferInDebtor object ● SEPACreditTransferInternalInDebtor object ● SEPACreditTransferInternalOutCreditor object ● SEPACreditTransferOutDebtor object ● SEPACreditTransferTransaction object ● SepaDirectDebitB2BMerchantPaymentMethod object ● SepaDirectDebitCoreMerchantPaymentMethod object ● SEPADirectDebitInCreditor object ● SEPADirectDebitInDebtor object ● SEPADirectDebitMandate interface ● SEPADirectDebitOutCreditor object ● SEPADirectDebitOutDebtor object ● SepaDirectDebitPaymentCollectionInput input ● SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodUpdateRequest object ● SEPADirectDebitTransaction object ● SEPAPaymentDirectDebitMandate object ● SEPAPaymentMandateCreditor object ● SEPAReceivedDirectDebitMandate object ● Shareholder object ● shareholder query ● SingleUseVirtualCardConfigInput input ● StandingOrder object ● standingOrder query ● Statement object ● SupportingDocumentAccountHolder object ● supportingDocumentCollection query ● SupportingDocumentOnboarding object ● SupportingDocumentTransaction object ● SuspendAccountMembershipInput input ● SuspendPhysicalCardInput input ● SuspendReceivedDirectDebitMandateInput input ● Transaction interface ● transaction query ● TransactionNotFoundRejection object ● TransactionStatement object ● transactionStatement query ● TrustedBeneficiary interface ● TrustedInternalBeneficiary object ● TrustedInternationalBeneficiary object ● TrustedSepaBeneficiary object ● UltimateBeneficialDirectOwnerCompanyInfo object ● UltimateBeneficialDirectOwnerIndividualInfo object ● UltimateBeneficialIndirectOwnerCompanyInfo object ● UltimateBeneficialIndirectOwnerIndividualInfo object ● UltimateBeneficialOwnerInfo interface ● UpdateAccountHolderInput input ● UpdateAccountInput input ● UpdateAccountMembershipInput input ● UpdateCardInput input ● UpdateCompanyOnboardingInput input ● UpdateIndividualOnboardingInput input ● UpdateReceivedSepaDirectDebitB2bMandateInput input ● UpdateSupportingDocumentInput input ● UpdateUserConsentSettingsInput input ● UpdateWebhookSubscriptionInput input ● User object ● UserAlreadyDeactivatedRejection object ● UserCannotBeDeactivatedRejection object ● UserNotFoundRejection object ● ViewCardNumbersInput input ● ViewPhysicalCardNumbersInput input ● ViewPhysicalCardPinInput input ● VirtualIBANEntry object ● WebhookEventLog object ● webhookEventLog query ● WebhookEventLogFiltersInput input ● WebhookSubscription object ● webhookSubscription query ● WebhookSubscriptionIdInput input