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Physical Card Renewed Status Information

type PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo implements PhysicalCardStatusInfo {
status: PhysicalCardStatus!
address: Address!
estimatedDeliveryDate: DateTime
trackingNumber: String
shippingProvider: String
isPINReady: Boolean!
newPhysicalCard: BasicPhysicalCardInfo!


PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo.status ● PhysicalCardStatus! non-null enum

Physical Card status (always Renewed for type PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo).

PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo.address ● Address! non-null object

address to deliver the physical card

PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo.estimatedDeliveryDate ● DateTime scalar

Estimated delivery date

PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo.trackingNumber ● String scalar

Shipping tracking number

PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo.shippingProvider ● String scalar

Name of the shipping provider (Ex: LaPoste, DHL ...)

PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo.isPINReady ● Boolean! non-null scalar

true if PIN Code is available.

PhysicalCardRenewedStatusInfo.newPhysicalCard ● BasicPhysicalCardInfo! non-null object

New physical Card info


PhysicalCardStatusInfo interface

Physical Card Status Information