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Trusted International Beneficiary

type TrustedInternationalBeneficiary implements InternationalBeneficiary, TrustedBeneficiary {
id: ID!
currency: Currency!
route: InternationalCreditTransferRoute!
details: [InternationalCreditTransferDetails!]!
name: String!
first: Int! = 50
after: String
filters: TransactionsFiltersInput
): TransactionConnection
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
label: String!
statusInfo: TrustedBeneficiaryStatusInfo!
type: BeneficiaryType!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

unique identifier of a trusted beneficiary

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.currency ● Currency! non-null scalar

Currency of the international beneficiary

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.route ● InternationalCreditTransferRoute! non-null enum

Route that Swan will use to transfer the funds

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.details ● [InternationalCreditTransferDetails!]! non-null object

Currency-specific details of the beneficiary ● String! non-null scalar

name of the beneficiary

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.transactions ● TransactionConnection object

List of transactions associated with the Trusted Beneficiary.

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.transactions.first ● Int! non-null scalar

number of elements in the list (default value 50)

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.transactions.after ● String scalar

When the list of elements needs to start after a element

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.transactions.filters ● TransactionsFiltersInput input

When the list of elements needs to be filtered

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

created date

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

updated date

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.label ● String! non-null scalar

label of the beneficiary

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.statusInfo ● TrustedBeneficiaryStatusInfo! non-null interface

status information

TrustedInternationalBeneficiary.type ● BeneficiaryType! non-null enum

type of the beneficiary


InternationalBeneficiary interface

TrustedBeneficiary interface


Member Of

AddTrustedInternationalBeneficiarySuccessPayload object